Today was an exciting day. After 5 days of little to no sleep due to a possibly sick baby, I was able to get Jett to bed by 7 which allowed me to follow-up an already nice day with friends with an incredibly enjoyable night. We had drinks and apps at the Inn followed by a delicious (always) Todd meal. While the food was cooking we candled the eggs that we've had a hen setting on!! We had a hen, Big Mama, who had been setting on a nest, so we moved her and the eggs to a space of her own so that she could continue to incubate the eggs. We weren't sure how many eggs were fertilized, if any, because roosters have hen preference and all the hens have preference to one nest. We had 9 eggs in the nest, and of the 9, at least 6 we were unable to see through with a bright flashlight, this means we have 6 chicks on the way!!! So excited!
We are leaving for our annual trip to Cape Cod to the Swift cottage and I am beside myself knowing that this batch of chicks is going to hatch while we are gone. I haven't gone so far as to cancel my tickets, but this is kind of a big deal!! Here is hoping they hatch before Wednesday!