I wish i had remembered these things from when i was a kid growing up in Gold Hill. As I watched the parade from my parents front porch, I was so excited to see that the parade had turned back towards the other end of town and was coming around again. I yelled to my Mom "They are going to go around town again?" to which she answered, "They always go around twice. Don't you remember that from when you were little?" No I don't. I wish I had a better memory for things past, but that is why I am keeping this blog. A way to remember for me, and a way to know for Jett. He, of course, will never remember this fourth of July.
We started the morning off with our good friends Amy and Noah and their two precious babes, Charlotte and Leo. We opted out of the pancake breakfast, but they headed over to the chaos and then came to our place for some chill time and a little hike. They left just before the 2nd wave of visitors came. This time it was the family. Milo, Leilani, Oscar, Misti, J, and of course, Neva and Oren. We had a few beers, some fajitas and then it was off to watch the parade. With blaring horns, fire sirens, horses, painted faces, and lots of candy, the parade was more entertainment than this town normally sees on a sleepy Sunday morning.
After the parade, Neva put on her birthday suit and splashed around in Jett's pool. She slid in with no fear from our slide with giant splashes. The day was hot and everyone got tired so they ventured back to Boulder.
I put Jett to bed, gave my Mom the video monitor, and Todd and I headed up to the Crow's nest to watch the fire works all across the front range. (we came home to a very awake baby playing with a very happy Lola and Grandpa)
Ain't holidays grand?!?!?
Holidays really are