Boy meets girl. Boy and Girl fall in love. Boy and Girl experience many adventures. Then comes their biggest adventure of all! They are going to have a baby!
In preparation for their Bundle, they begin nesting... But maybe, there is a better place to nest and raise Bundle. Hawaii, Colorado, The Philippines, some other beautiful island?? Girl's parents own a cabin in Gold Hill, Colorado where they won't have to pay a mortgage! This means Boy and Girl can both spend quality time with Bundle! A few hours of work to pay for necessities, and tons of hours to spend with their new family!
However, there are a few things to consider before moving....
Girl and Boy both own homes and they are accustomed to spacious quarters. The move to Gold Hill means downsizing a little. Well.. A lot. The cabin is a quaint 350 square feet. hmmm...
Girl and Boy like to shower everyday, this cabin comes well equipped with a kitchen sink and a bedpan. No toilet. No shower. hmmm...
Girl and Boy are warm weather lovers. Winter starts in October and ends in May in the Mountains. hmmm....
Girl and Boy will live 100 feet from Girl's parents. hmmm...
After 5 minutes of deliberation, they decide the cabin is absolutely PERFECT!
And so their story begins....