Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Letter to a Bear

Dear Mr/Mrs. Bear,

It had been some time since we heard from you last. Yesterday morning it was apparent that you had come to visit once again. This time you didn't break into my car, or my basement or my backpack.

Several beautiful blue jays gathered outside, their bright feathers catching my eye. Another reminder of the paradise in which we live. As a looked a little closer i saw an object i couldn't quite identify. I walked a little closer to the jays and they scattered hesitantly. It was then that i realized that those jays were feasting on an entire bag of chicken scratch... oh wait, i see another bag a little farther up the hill! How, oh how, did that those two 25 pound bags of scratch make it all the way up the hillside? Mr Bear... i think you have the answer.

It is November, and i was sure you were already hibernating. I don't blame you for enjoying this 70 degree weather, but enough is enough. Its time for you to find your bed for the winter, curl up, and sleep... We'll see you next May.
