Friday, June 10, 2011

Let's go camping!!

We are headed off on our first camping trip with Jett. I am so excited!!! The excitement is interrupted by moments of complete terror. Will Jett sleep? Did i bring enough food? Will he be warm enough? Will I sleep? I've scanned the internet for a "camping with a baby" checklists. I've found dozens!! I just keeping looking knowing i'll find the one list that has the one thing that the other lists "forgot".

If you are thinking of taking your infant camping, here is the checklist i have come up with.

  1. First things first!! A close to home campsite (meaning less than a few hours away just in case). We are heading to Golden Gate Canyon State Park. A one hour drive from our house, but still in the wilderness.
  2. As always when traveling ANYWHERE with an infant, pack more than you think you'll need. more clothes, more food, more diapers, more wipes.
  3. Clothes - Don't pack many bulking items. Pack in layers for each day. (onesie, pants, shorts, socks, long sleeve shirt, medium weight jacket)
  4. Baby Food
  5. Diapers
  6. Wipes
  7. Bibs
  8. Spoons
  9. Ointments
  10. Booster/High Chair
  11. Stroller (they can sit in it around the campfire even if you don't use it)
  12. Toys and Books
  13. Blankets
  14. Crib or Play Pen (to keep them contained during the day)
  15. Wash Tub (shampoo, lotion, etc)
  16. Sunscreen
  17. Hat
  18. Plastic tablecloth (sounds strange, but it is great to lay on the ground for play time)
  19. Bottles and Formula if you use them
  20. Infant Carrying Pack
  21. Swing (to hang on a tree)
  22. Close toed pajamas (keep the critters out :)
  23. Sippy Cup
  24. Grooming essentials (nail clippers, nose bulb, etc.)
  25. Swim Suit
  26. Infant Tylenol (just in case that tooth decides to come in)
Alright.. that is the list. I will be back with a replay of the events next week.