Jett cut his first tooth the evening we returned from our trip. Yep, thats right. Jett was teething while we were camping and we still rocked that trip!! You don't usually get a great nights sleep while tent camping, so it didn't even cross my mind that anything was bothering him besides our new sleeping arrangement. He was in good spirits, took a 3 hour nap (his longest ever) in the tent the first day we were there, all seemed just fine.
A few last pointers:
- look up the weather where you are camping. See what the low will be during the night, then pack layers that would keep your baby warm in the weather if he were sleeping with no covers. Or.. if your baby is older than 9 months or so, i'd say invest in a kids sleeping bag. We will be doing that soon. Jett slept in a onesie, with a fleece sleeper and then we put him in one of his winter bunting bags. He stayed at just the right temp overnight with no covers.
- Keep your tent in the shade. Many reasons for this, but, as it is related to baby, it will keep the tent dark longer so that you can sleep in a little later :)
- I didn't use the stroller at any point, but i did use my pack A LOT
- No need for a swimsuit, just let your kiddo wear their birthday suit
- Pack baby food/snacks on hikes even if they are short. You never know if you'll get lost (no this did not happen to me)